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Roof Repair & Roof Replacement


Dealing with a roof repair or roof replacement in your home can be a hassle if you don’t know where to turn for help, especially when roof prices are concerned. Home&Bath Solutions will ease your mind and compare roof prices for you. We’ll get you sorted with a quick roof fix using our roof repair and roof replacement services. Our local contractors can provide you with only the most competitive roof prices, so you can be sure to get only the best deals for roof. Our team strives to exceed your expectations when it comes down to choosing your glass roof types and when you need roof repair work or even a full roof replacement. If you need to replace roof in your home, our team of Roof specialists can explain to you exactly how much roof cost to install and even to build.

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If you’re looking for new roof for your home, there are countless options for instalment and replacement that are adaptable to the style and budget of each home. You can decide in advance which roof(s) you want installed, repaired or replaced. Each type of roof varies in materials, prices, and purposes. There are many different roof to choose from. Here is a list of roof styles, the average installation costs, images of each roof and some information to help you decide. If you have decided which type of roof you want to install, you may want to view some of the best roof brands and associated installation costs. A great tip is to wait for the roof sales period or to have your roof installed during off-season periods for the lowest prices.

Asphalt shingles are one of the most common roof types installed by homeowners. They are incredibly affordable when comparing different roof types. Asphalt roof shingles are lightweight, durable, come in an array of colors, and can last up to 20 years. Some premium asphalt shingle brands boast a 50 year lifespan. Replacing your current roof with asphalt shingles can upgrade your home’s curb appeal.

Roof tiles are designed mainly to keep out rain, and are traditionally made from locally available materials such as terracotta or slate. Modern materials such as concrete and plastic are also used and some clay tiles have a waterproof glaze. Roof tiles are 'hung' from the framework of a roof by fixing them with nails. The tiles are usually hung in parallel rows, with each row overlapping the row below it to exclude rainwater and to cover the nails that hold the row below.

The longevity of slate is key to its value in the eyes of homeowners. After all, roofing can be expensive. Slate is one of the few roofing options that doesn't need to be replaced within the span of a lifetime. In most environments, slate shingles will last at least 125 years and sometimes as long as 200 years Authentic slate shingles have been the roofing material of choice for centuries throughout Europe and the United States for estate homes.

Wood roofing comes in two style types wood shingles or wood shakes. The only difference is the appearance of your cedar roof once installed. Cedar shingles are machine cut and tapered off for a crisp and clean appearance, while cedar shakes are hand split giving them a more rustic appeal. Functionally, the most important difference between cedar shakes and shingles is that shingles are milled more precisely than shakes.

Architectural shingles are thicker asphalt shingle types that can create the appearance of visually stunning natural roofing like slate, cedar, or clay tiles at a fraction of the cost. Because of their extra thickness and contouring, they cost more than traditional asphalt shingles, but they last longer and carry longer warranties. They last from 30 to 50 years and are fire resistant.

Fiberglass shingles are made of a woven fiberglass base mat, covered with a waterproof asphalt coating, and topped with ceramic granules that shield the shingles from harmful UV rays. Because of the composition of the fiberglass mat, less asphalt is needed to give the shingles their durability and strength, making them a lighter and more environmentally friendly option than traditional organic-mat asphalt shingles.

When comparing metal roofing to asphalt shingle types there are a few things you’ll want to take into consideration such as price, durability, roofing style preference, overall maintenance, and lifespan of each roof type.

Plastic shingles, sometimes referred to as synthetic or composite shingles, are popular for their low cost and their ability to imitate more expensive types of roofing like cedar wood shingles or slate roofing. Synthetic shingle roofing is lightweight and makes it easy to install roof shingles on your home.

Rubber shingle roofs offer a budget-friendly roofing shingle option that is durable, eco-friendly, and available in a variety of colors and designs. They are generally resistant to rotting, cracking, mold, discoloration, denting, and moisture absorption.

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